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Academic articles & book chapters
Policy briefs
Other reports and dissemination
- 'Who defends us?' Criollo livestock herders amidst commodity frontier expansion in the Paraguayan Chaco. By le Polain de Waroux, Y., published in the Journal of Peasant Studies (link).
- Landscapes—a lens for assessing sustainability. By Dade, M.C., Bonn, A., Eigenbrod, F., Felipe-Lucia, M.R., Fisher, B., Goldstein, B., Holland, R.A., Hopping, K.A., Lavorel, S., le Polain de Waroux, Y., MacDonald, G.K., Mandle, L., Metzger, J.P., Pascual, U., Rieb, J.T., Vallet, A., Wells, G.J., Ziter, C.D., Bennett, E.M., Robinson, B.E., published in Landscape Ecology (link).
- Comparing carbon offsets and livelihood benefits in a long-term reforestation project: Agroforestry versus native timber versus enrichment planting. By Forgues, K., Carignan, M.-C., Marchena, B., Mancilla, Lady, Pacheco, C., Pacheco Ortega, E., Guainora, A., Potvin, C., published in Ecological Solutions and Evidence (link).
- Troubled Waters at the Frontier: Mapping Forest-Dependent People’s Access to Surface Water in the Dry Chaco. By Matthews, P.S., Baumann, M., Levers, C., Kuemmerle, T., and le Polain de Waroux, Y., published in Applied Geography (link) (en castellano) (resumen).
- 'Participatory’ Conservation Research Involving Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Fourteen Principles for Good Practice.. By Newing, H., Brittain, S., Buchadas, A., del Giorgio, O., Fallon Grasham, C., Ferritto, R., Garcia Marquez, J.R., et al., published in Biological Conservation (link).
- Frontier Constellations: A History of Land-Use Regimes in Paraguay’s Pilcomayo River Basin. By le Polain de Waroux, Y., published in the Geographical Review (link) (en castellano)
- Explaining the Emergence of Land-Use Frontiers. By Meyfroidt, P., Abeygunawardane, D., Baumann, M., Bey, A., Buchadas, A., Chiarella, C., Junquera, V., Kronenburg García, A., Kuemmerle, T., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Oliveira, E., Picoli, M., Qin, S., Rodriguez García, V., and Rufin, P., published in Royal Society Open Science (link).
- How Do We Study Resilience? A Systematic Review. By le Polain de Waroux, Y., Carignan, M.-C., del Giorgio, G., Díaz, L., Enrico, L., Jaureguiberry, P., Lipoma, M.L., Mazzini F., and Díaz, S., published in People and Nature (link).
- Characterizing Culture’s Influence in Land Systems. By Hodel, L., le Polain de Waroux, Y. and Garrett, R.D., published in Nature Sustainability (link).
- What Is Still at Stake in the Gran Chaco? Social-Ecological Impacts of Alternative Land-System Futures in a Global Deforestation Hotspot. By Levers, C., Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Gollnow, F., Baumann, M., Camino, M., Gasparri, N.I., Gavier-Pizarro, G.I., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Müller, D., Nori, J., Pötzschner, F., Romero-Muñoz, A., and Kuemmerle, T., published in Environmental Research Letters (link).
- An Actor-Centered, Scalable Land System Typology for Addressing Biodiversity Loss in the World’s Tropical Dry Woodlands. By Pratzer, M., Meyfroidt, P., Antongiovanni, M., Aragon, R., Baldi, G., Czaplicki Cabezas, S., de la Vega-Leinert, C.A., Dhyani, S., Diepart, J.-C., Fernandez, P.D., Garnett, S.T., Gavier Pizarro, G.I., Kalam, T., Koulgi, P., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Marinaro, S., Mastrangelo, M., Mueller, D., Mueller, R., Murali, R., Nanni, S., Nuñez-Regueiro, M., Prieto-Torres, D.A., Ratnam, J., Reddy, C.S., Ribeiro, N., Röder, A., Romero-Muñoz, A., Roy, P.S., Rufin, P., Rufino, M., Sankaran, M., Torres, R., Vaidyanathan, S., Vallejos, M., Virah-Sawmy, M., and Kuemmerle, T., published in Global Environmental Change (link) (English summary) (resumen en castellano).
- A Framework for Understanding Land Control Transfer in Agricultural Commodity Frontiers. By del Giorgio, O., published in the Journal of Agrarian Change (link).
- Impacts of Agricultural Commodity Frontier Expansion on Smallholder Livelihoods: An Assessment through the Lens of Access to Land and Resources in the Argentine Chaco. By del Giorgio, O., Robinson, B.E. and le Polain de Waroux, Y. , published in the Journal of Rural Studies (link) (en castellano)
- Frontier Metrics for a Process-Based Understanding of Deforestation Dynamics. By Baumann, M., Gasparri, I., Buchadas, A., Oeser, J., Meyfroidt, P., Levers, C., Romero-Muñoz, A., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Müller, D., and Kuemmerle, T., published in Environmental Research Letters (link)
- The Role of Culture in Land System Science. By le Polain de Waroux, Y., Garrett, R., Chapman, M., Friis, C., Hoelle, J., Hodel. L., Hopping, K., and Zaehringer, J.G., published in the Journal of Land Use Science (link).
- Pious Pioneers: The Expansion of Mennonite Colonies in Latin America. By le Polain de Waroux, Y., Neumann, J., O’Driscoll, A., and Schreiber, K., published in the Journal of Land Use Science (link) (data) (en castellano) (auf Deutsch).
- Fenced off: Measuring Growing Restrictions on Resource Access for Smallholders in the Argentine Chaco. By del Giorgio, O., Messager, M.L. and le Polain de Waroux, Y.., published in Applied Geography (link) (en castellano).
- Agricultural Expansion and the Ecological Marginalization of Forest-Dependent People. By Levers, C., Romero-Muñoz, A., Baumann, M., De Marzo, T., Fernández, P.D., Gasparri, N.I., Gavier-Pizarro, G.I., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Seper-Pascual, A., and Kuemmerle, T., published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (link).
- Land-Use Differences Modify Predator-Prey Interactions and Acacia Vegetation in a Hyperarid Ecosystem. By Lewin, A., Erinjery, J.J., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Tripler, E., and Iwamura, T., published in the Journal of Arid Environments (link).
- Inclusion, Transparency, and Enforcement: How the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement Fails the Sustainability Test. By Kehoe, L., dos Reis, T.N.P., Meyfroidt, P., Bager, S., Seppelt, R., Kuemmerle, T., Berenguer, E., Clark, M., Davis, K.F., zu Ermgassen, E.K.H.J., Farrell, K.N., Friis, C., Haberl, H., Kastner, T., Murtough, K.L., Persson, U.M., Romero-Muñoz, A., O’Connell, C., Schäfer, V.V., Virah-Sawmy, M., le Polain de Waroux, Y., and Kiesecker, J., published in One Earth (link).
- Building capacity through interdisciplinary graduate collaboration. By del Giorgio, O., Crowley, M. A., Lu, L. X., & Schreiber, K., published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (link).
- A Hard-to-Keep Promise: Vegetation Use and Aboveground Carbon Storage in Silvopastures of the Dry Chaco. By Fernández, P.D., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Jobbágy, E.G., Loto, D.E. and Gasparri, N.I., published in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (link).
- Capital has no homeland: The formation of transnational producer cohorts in South America’s commodity frontiers. By le Polain de Waroux, Y., published in Geoforum (link) (en castellano).
- The restructuring of South American soy and beef production and trade under changing environmental regulations. By le Polain de Waroux, Y., Garrett, R. D., Graesser, J., Nolte, C., White, C., & Lambin, E. F., published in World Development (link).
- Criteria for effective zero-deforestation commitments. By Garrett, R.D., Levy, S., Carlson, K.M., Gardner, T.A., Godar, J., Clapp, J., Dauvergne, P., Heilmayr, R., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Ayre, B., Barr, R., Døvre, B., Gibbs, H.K., Hall, S., Lake, S., Milder, J.C., Rausch, L.L., Rivero, R., Rueda, X., Sarsfield, R., Soares-Filho, B., Villoria, N., published in Global Environmental Change (link).
- Livelihoods through the lens of telecoupling. By le Polain de Waroux, Y. In: Telecoupling: Exploring Land-Use Change in a Globalised World, edited by Nielsen, J.Ø. and Friis, C., published by Palgrave Macmillan Publishers (link).
- Rents, actors, and the expansion of commodity frontiers in the Gran Chaco. By le Polain de Waroux, Y., Baumann, M., Gasparri, N.I., Gavier-Pizarro, G., Godar, J., Kuemmerle, T., Müller, R., Vázquez, F., Volante, J.N. & Meyfroidt, P., published in Annals of the American Association of Geographers (link). (en castellano)
- Considering people in systematic conservation planning: insights from land system science. By Iwamura, T., le Polain de Waroux, Y., & Mascia, M.B., published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (link).
- Geo-spatial Land Price Data: A Public Good for Global Change Science and Policy. By Coomes, O.T., MacDonald, G. & le Polain de Waroux, Y., published in BioScience (link).
- Intensification in Agriculture-Forest Frontiers: Land Use Responses to Development and Conservation Policies in Brazil. By Garrett, R. D., I. Koh, E. F. Lambin, Y. le Polain de Waroux, J. H. Kastens, and J. C. Brown, published in Global Environmental Change (link).
- Middle-Range Theories of Land System Change. By P. Meyfroid, R. Roy Chowdhury, A. de Bremond, E.C. Ellis, K.-H. Erb, T. Filatova, R.D. Garrett, J.M. Grove, A. Heinimann, T. Kuemmerle, C.A. Kull, E.F. Lambin, Y. Landon, Y. le Polain de Waroux, P. Messerli, D. Müller, J.Ø. Nielsen, G.D. Peterson, V. Rodriguez García, M. Schlüter, B.L. Turner, P.H. Verburg. (2018), published in Global Environmental Change (link)
- Challenges in attributing avoided deforestation to policies and actors: lessons from provincial forest zoning in the Argentine Dry Chaco. By Nolte, C., Gobbi, B., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Butsic, V., & Lambin, E. F., published in Ecological Economics (link).
- The role of supply-chains initiatives in reducing deforestation. By Lambin, E.F., Gibbs, H., Carlson, K.L., Fleck, L., Garrett, R.D., Heilmayr, R., le Polain de Waroux, Y., McDermott, C., McLaughlin, D., Newton, P., Nolte, C., Pacheco, P., Rausch, L., Streck, C., Thorlakson, T., & Walker, N., published in Nature Climate Change (link).
- Decentralized land use zoning reduces large-scale deforestation in a major agricultural frontier. By Nolte, C., Gobbi, B., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Butsic, V., & Lambin, E. F., published in Ecological Economics (link)
- Conditions influencing the adoption of effective anti-deforestation policies in South America’s commodity frontiers. By Nolte, C., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Munger, J., Reis, T. N. P., & Lambin, E. F., published in Global Environmental Change (link)
- Land use policies and corporate investments in agriculture in the Gran Chaco. By le Polain de Waroux, Y., Garrett, R., Heilmayr, R., & Lambin, E.F., published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (link).
- Reply to Levine-Schnur: Decisions to deforest illegally are influenced by fines and their perceived enforcement probability. By le Polain de Waroux, Y., Garrett, R. D., Heilmayr, R., & Lambin, E. F., published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (link)
- The Emerging Soybean Production Frontier in Southern Africa: Conservation Challenges and the Role of South‐South Telecouplings. By Gasparri, N. I., Kuemmerle, T., Meyfroidt, P., le Polain de Waroux, Y., & Kreft, H., published in Conservation Letters (link).
- The coupling of South American soybean and cattle production frontiers: new challenges for conservation policy and land change science. By Gasparri, N. I., & le Polain de Waroux, Y., published in Conservation Letters (link).
- Market integration, livelihood transitions and environmental change in ecologically marginal areas: a case study from Morocco. By le Polain de Waroux, Y. & Chiche, J., published in Human Ecology (link).
- Dégradation environnementale et développement économique dans l’arganeraie d’Aoulouz. By le Polain de Waroux, Y., published in Sécheresse (link).
- The social and environmental context of argan oil production. By le Polain de Waroux, Y. , published in Nature Product Communications (link).
- Niche commodities and rural poverty alleviation: Contextualizing the contribution of argan oil to rural livelihoods in Morocco. By le Polain de Waroux, Y. & Lambin, E.F., published in Annals of the American Association of Geographers (link).
- Monitoring degradation in arid and semi-arid forests and woodlands: The case of the argan woodlands (Morocco). By le Polain de Waroux, Y. & Lambin, E.F., published in Applied Geography (link).
Policy briefs
- Understanding policy impact amidst controversy: Lessons from forest zoning in Argentina. (2018) By C. Nolte, B. Gobbi, Y. le Polain de Waroux, M. Piquer-Rodríguez, V. Butsic and E.F. Lambin. Global Governance Lab Policy Brief. Montreal, Canada: Institute for the Study of International Development, McGill University (link).
- To eliminate deforestation in South America, reduce differences in regulations across regions and actors. (2017). By Garrett, R., Lambin, E.F., and le Polain de Waroux, Y. ISID Policy Brief PB-2017-05. Montreal, Canada: Institute for the Study of International Development, McGill University. (link) (en castellano)
- La ley de bosques redujo las tasas de deforestación en las provincias de Salta, Chaco y Santiago del Estero. (2017). By Nolte, C., Gobbi, B., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Butsic, V., & Lambin, E. F. (link).
Other reports and dissemination
- La escasez de agua ante la expansión agropecuaria . (2024). By Matthews, P.S. Summary of the paper "Troubled Waters at the Frontier: Mapping Forest-Dependent People’s Access to Surface Water in the Dry Chaco" for dissemination in Paraguay (link).
- A Orillas del Pilcomayo: Breve historia del Pilcomayo paraguayo, de Pozo Hondo a Mistolar. (2024). By le Polain de Waroux, Y. Booklet summarizing the land-use history published in the 2024 paper "Frontier constellations", for distribution in Paraguay (formatted for reading on smartphones) (link).
- Informe sobre las condiciones de vida de las comunidades campesinas del Departamento Pellegrini, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. (2021) By del Giorgio, O. Report to interview participants (link).
- Compounded crises, investments, and future land use change in the Pantanal. (2021). By Vázquez, F., le Polain de Waroux, Y., de Marchi Moyano, B., Prado da Silva Fonseca, G., and Aline Ribeiro, M. Report for WWF Paraguay (link).
- Cadenas de valor y expansión del sector agropecuario en el Gran Chaco Americano. (2014). By le Polain de Waroux, Y. Report for interview participants (link).